[What is Test Strategy?]

What is Test Strategy?

In simple words,test strategy is something which would help the testing/Dev/related teams to visualize what strategy will/need to be implemented to get a quality product/application out in the market.

Below are some of the key components that is followed by many software testing solutions providing companies which are considered as test strategy while framing test plan for any project. I have listed some of them below: [Note: The test strategy may vary depending upon product’s requirement and client’s release preference]

  • Team will focus on creation of test suite and walk-through the product based on the provided demo/wire-frames/BRD document and the acceptance criteria defined under the user stories/use-cases.

  • Team will focus on testing the application/product on three browsers [Google Chrome, FF, IE11] .(Note: This would be based on client’s requirement)

  • Team will focus on completing the sprint as per the defined time frame [You can also mention the time frame here. Example: A sprint would be of 02 weeks(01: Dev Implementation Phase, 01 Week: Testing Phase)]

  • All the encountered defects will be assigned and fixed during testing week. Rest, SignOff will be provided by QA based on the current status of the build.

  • All the defects/tasks that are not prioritized for current sprint will be moved to next sprint. [This may be optional and may not get implemented in some testing strategy as the PM(Project Manager) or client want all the defects to be fixed in the current sprint]

  • After completing of the QA Task on the QA Environment, the build will be provided for UAT.

  • Improved build will then be deployed on to the UAT/stage Environment. Further, if any defect is encountered during UAT then that will be provided to QA Team for regression (verifying and closing out the defects) purpose.

  • Team will provide QA status carrying details of the testing activities(Daily/weekly based on clients preference. Although it is recommenced to be on ‘Daily’ basis).

I Hope this would help you in defining test strategies for your product.

Hi All,

Defect cascading is nothing but identification of a defect/bug which down the line have a potential of creating or becoming a cause for many other defects i.e these are the kind of defect which are not identified at a particular testing/development phase but they are hidden and reveal themselves in other phases.Further, these kind of defects cannot be fixed until and unless a proper root cause analysis is performed by the dev/testing team for its identification and fixage purpose.Rest, Below are some of the examples which were encountered by quality assurance services provider during different phases of testing:

Stage 1:Under Registration Page, ‘Mobile Number’ field is not kept mandatory(which is a bug and its unnoticed) and user while registering to the site DO NOT provide its mobile number and successfully registers.

Stage 2: Under Login Page, when user tries to login via ‘Mobile Number’[As per the login page functionality a OTP(One Time Password) will be send to User’s registered mobile number] he/she will not be able to do so as while registering to the site mobile number was not provided.

In short, the root defect which was on ‘Registration Page’ lead to ‘Login Page’ too which resulted as another defect.

I hope my answer helped.
