Hi All
I have just followed the ‘modern testing’ course and its prompted quite a lot of thoughts but equally disagreement on my part with my own personal experience and the company i work for. I guess im just reaching out to see what peoples thought’s are on the future of dedicated/specialist test individuals and teams. Some high profile companies like yahoo quoted as removing testers altogether. Of course the world we work in and technology within it is always changing but i just cant (rightly or wrongly) foresee a point where a testers role would be diminished and passed off to the business or fully saturated into a developers role and responsibilities. Sure, we want to be LEAN and release change quicker but cutting specialist testers seems a step too far and a risky slope to go down for any business which i dont think defines ‘modern testing’ as a strategy or a whole. Whats peoples own experiences with this across different companies within the industry?