How do I correctly log issues/bugs?

It is advised that you use the template below as much as possible to help us in quickly analyze and resolve issues/bugs.

Operating System (for example Mac OSX Sierra or Window 10)

akaAT Studio Version

akaAT Studio logs
akaAT Studio report: (folder reports in project)

  • <project name>/<reports>

Environment (for Web testing)

  • Browser and Browser version

Environment (for Mobile testing)

  • Appium version

  • Mobile platform/version under test: (for example iOS 11 or Android 7)

  • Real device or emulator/simulator: (for example iPhone X real or Nexus 5 emulator)

  • Xcode version (for iOS): (for example: Xcode 8 or Xcode 11)

  • Appium Logs: .appium

  • Application file (.apk/.ipa): (if possible)

Steps to reproduce
Please include an SSCCE (Short, Self Contained, Correct [compilable] example) description

If it’s not possible to provide the web page link (for web), please consider creating a reproducible page on

Please also provide your test scripts if possible.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Screenshots / Videos (please attach screenshots or videos if necessary to reproduce the issue)