How can teams deliver the highest quality software?

How can teams deliver the highest quality software?

To come up with the best app while minimizing cost, you need comprehensive testing and a wide range of tools. Each component, or aspect of the system, should be working and

accessible to intended users on various devices. Here are the elements your engineering team should test.

1. Basic Functions

The goal is to check the functions of the buttons and input areas to see if the system errors with simple data. In-depth testing would include all sorts of conditions that potential customers might do.

Some elements in basic functionality are:

  • Basic usability: clients should be able to easily use the application
  • Accessibility: ease of accessing the system
  • Error conditions: the display of appropriate error messages
  • Main functions: core functions should operate as intended

2. Code Reviews

Code is an essential aspect of all applications. Reviewing it is a requirement for an enterprise. Why? Because a code review uncovers complex problems within the technology. It improves coding and software quality.

What are the best practices of code review?

Review code changes made with the tester on your team before they begin executing tests to ensure everyone is on the same page and there are no obvious bugs.

Aspects of Testing a Software (source)

3. Unit Tests

Expectations should be met when implementing code. Every time there is a change in source code, your team should run unit tests. This extra process ensures the changes made are working as expected and do not break any existing functionality.

Your developers should have mock services to ensure unit tests are done independently. Moreover, if test cases fail and the developer can’t fix them, the team should communicate about them.

4. Three Amigos

This concept encompasses the interrelatedness of perspectives and the increment of work in developing software. The first amigo (perspective) is related to the business. The second perspective relates to the development and lastly, the software tester.

Great communication and proper collaboration are the keys to this principle. Each person should understand and agree upon the requirements before, during, and after developing software. The Three Amigos help ensure everyone is on the same page.


What are the types of software testing solutions?

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A software testing solution ensures your team is delivering the best software possible. In this section, learn the two major types of testing and their subtypes. Generally, testing is categorized into functional and non-functional.

Functional Testing

The goal is to ensure all aspects of the software work properly on various platforms. Moreover, the software behavior is within expectations.

  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • System testing
  • Acceptance testing

Unit Testing

Developers write code that executes code at a low level. The end goal of unit testing is to test all core functionalities rapidly as changes are made. These tests should be as comprehensive as possible as they make debugging a lot simpler for developers, and catch defects before being promoted.

In these software testing services, you eliminate errors early in the process before stakeholders ever see them.

Integration Testing

This testing looks at how various components of the software solution work with one another.

Who does this testing? Either the developers or testers (independent from your team) perform the integration test. The goal is to ensure the system functions as an entire unit.

System Testing

Also known as black-box testing, your team tests the entire software structure and its compliance with the requirement specified during the development process. It’s end-to-end testing before the final phase (the production of the software systems) is executed.

Acceptance Testing

The common phrase for this type is beta testing where you make sure the criteria are met. Moreover, you assess the final product by letting end users evaluate it.


Non-functional Testing

The focus is on the operational side of the software. This usually includes performance, usability, compatibility, and most importantly, security.

Performance Testing

This focuses on the stability and responsiveness of software solutions in real situations. Load, stress, endurance, and spike (of load) are the factors being tested in this phase.

A software testing solution on performance takes into account the demand and concurrent uses of the software services. DevOps often use realistic and unrealistic scenarios to test performance and quality.

Security Testing

The goal of security testing is to find loopholes where criminals can steal critical data. If end-users access the software services through the web, the system is prone to cyber-attacks.

Thus, it’s important to check the quality and integrity of the software services. A customer should have proper authentication and authorization to use. Moreover, the software can maintain confidentiality, especially if the database is hosted in the cloud.

Usability Testing

Design, aesthetics, ease-of-use are just a few of the important factors in usability testing. These aspects reflect the workflow or processes without complicating what web users see.

Compatibility Testing

The software should be compatible with different devices, platforms, or environments. Meaning, it doesn’t matter what browsers, devices, or operating system a customer has. The system should work according to the specifications of the user.