Automation testing process

:wave: :wave: :wave: I am a manual tester, I am looking to learn about automation.
Can you guys with experience share the automated testing steps of the project you have done?


Step 1: Defining the Scope of Automation

Step 2: Selecting a Testing Tool

Step 3: Planning, Designing, and Development

Step 4: Executing Test Cases and Build your reports

Step 5: Maintaining previous test cases

To sum up, this article provides you with an introduction to automation testing, the benefits of automation testing, and how to start your journey with it. We believe this is the best way to fulfill most of the testing goals with practical resources and time in an Agile world. But be careful before choosing the type of automation that fulfills the requirement of the application because no one can meet 100% requirements.

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Can you explain step 1 in more detail? @danghongnhung

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